Orthotics in Hamilton, ON
Looking for a way to relieve pain in your foot or leg while walking? Then look no further than Activa Clinics’ vast range of custom foot and leg orthotics. You have probably tried using off-the-shelf shoe inserts in the past with little to no improvement in your foot or leg pain. However, you should note two significant differences between off-the-shelf shoe inserts and Activa Clinics custom-crafted orthotics.

First and foremost, Activa Clinics does not mass produce off-the-shelf shoe inserts, the type that you find competing for space on supermarket shelves. Our custom orthotic inserts are specially-designed and masterfully-crafted therapeutic devices, created by Activa’s team of competent and experienced OPC-certified orthotists.
Second, off-the-shelf shoe inserts are generalized products, which is the primary reason for their low effectiveness in alleviating foot and leg pain. On the other hand, Activa Clinics’ custom orthotic inserts are meticulously designed and crafted to meet the specific needs of your foot/leg condition.
This ensures that you receive maximum pain-relief benefits when you opt for custom Activa Clinics orthotic inserts.
First and foremost, Activa Clinics does not mass produce off-the-shelf shoe inserts, the type that you find competing for space on supermarket shelves. Our custom orthotic inserts are specially-designed and masterfully-crafted therapeutic devices, created by Activa’s team of competent and experienced OPC-certified orthotists.
Second, off-the-shelf shoe inserts are generalized products, which is the primary reason for their low effectiveness in alleviating foot and leg pain. On the other hand, Activa Clinics’ custom orthotic inserts are meticulously designed and crafted to meet the specific needs of your foot/leg condition.
This ensures that you receive maximum pain-relief benefits when you opt for custom Activa Clinics orthotic inserts.
Braces and supports help in a variety of situations, such as recovering from an injury or just leading an active lifestyle and needing to protect your joints. Here are just a few examples of when braces and straps can help:
Post-operative Rehab
Joint conditions like Arthritis
Conditions related to Athletic Injuries
Jobs involving heavy lifting or repetitive motions
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)
Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knee) and conditions related to Runner’s Knee
Basics of Orthotics
Your legs and feet fulfill the function of carrying the weight of the rest of your body on an everyday basis. As a consequence, your feet and legs are highly prone to developing conditions that affect the muscle, nerve, bone, and connective tissues, which collaboratively facilitate their mechanical function.
This risk is further aggravated by lifestyle, work, genetic and age-related factors, which include: –
- Excess body weight
- Bad walking and standing posture
- Foot/leg deformity
- High-heeled and ill-fitting footwear
- Strenuous physical activities, e.g., uphill running, high impact sports, etc.
- Pre-existing medical conditions, such as Arthritis, diabetes, gout, etc.
Fortunately, Activa’s Hamilton clinic combines reliable therapeutic services and custom orthotics to help you effectively alleviate foot and leg pain.
The vast array of custom orthotics that Activa Clinics provides include orthotics for the ankle, knees, heel, and toes.

Issues Treated by Orthotics
ITBS, or Iliotibial Band Syndrome in full, is a condition related to the overuse of a band connective tissue that runs from your hip joint to your knee. A typical symptom of this condition is dull pain on the outside part of your knee when the heel strikes the ground, such as when running.
Activa Clinics orthotic treatment for ITBS involves wearing a custom steel-reinforced knee brace that absorbs excessive strain exerted by the Iliotibial band on the knee joint.
- Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles Tendonitis is a condition caused by the overuse of the Achilles tendon, a band of connective tissue that connects your calf muscles to your heel bone.
A common symptom of this condition is a mild ache at the back of your leg just above the heel, especially while engaged in physical activity, such as when running, playing sports, etc. Treatment for Achilles Tendonitis at our Activa Hamilton clinic involves the use of a custom thermoplastic brace that immobilizes the heel joint to enable natural repair of the Achilles tendon.
- Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Fasciitis refers to the inflammation of your Plantar Fascia, a band of connective tissue that extends from the bottom of your heel to the base of your toes. This condition is characterized by a sharp stabbing pain from the heel in your first few steps in the morning. This initial pain usually dissipates but often returns after long periods while standing.
Your treatment for Plantar Fasciitis at our Activa Clinics Hamilton facility involves the use of custom orthotic shoe inserts that considerably lower pressure exerted on your heel while standing, walking, and running.
- Flat feet
While this postural deformity is harmless in many people, Flat Feet can predispose you to an array of painful conditions, including Plantar Fasciitis and chronic/intermittent pain in your lower back, lower leg pain, hip, ankle, calf, and knee.
This risk exists because having Flat Feet prevents even distribution of your body weight between your heel and the base of your toes.
Flat Feet treatment at our Activa Clinics Hamilton therapeutic facility involves the use of custom orthotic shoe inserts that distribute your body weight across your feet.
- Metatarsalgia
Metatarsalgia refers to the inflammation of nerves between the Metatarsals, bones that connect your toes to the rest of your foot. The inflammation occurs when excessive pressure on your feet causes the metatarsals to press against the nerves that pass between the bones towards your toes.
Metatarsalgia is indicated by a sharp stabbing pain originating at the ball of your feet, which worsens when you flex your toes, stand, walk or run. Activa Clinics Orthotic treatment for Metatarsalgia takes the form of custom thermoplastic shoe inserts that effectively reduce pressure on the metatarsals at the balls of your feet.
Accommodative Orthotics vs Functional orthotics
Custom orthotics, that experienced and competent Activa Clinics staff design and create for you, fulfill one of two principal objectives, namely: –
- To decrease tension and stress forces generated by your body weight while engaged in a variety of physical motions, i.e., walking, standing, running, etc.
- To enhance foot biomechanics and joint mobility by correcting abnormal alignments of muscles, tendons, bones, nerves and connective tissue.
Accommodative orthotics fulfill the first objective while Functional orthotics fulfill the second. You should note that the specific nature of your foot condition determines the casting technique and materials that our expert staff use to realize your custom orthotic device.
If your condition cannot heal naturally or manifests minimal improvement despite prolonged physiotherapy, then our staff designs and creates a Custom Accommodative Orthotic device to manage the condition. Your custom orthoses, therefore, consist entirely of soft thermoplastic/composite materials that have been cast in one piece.
Consequently, accommodative orthotic devices are ideal for foot conditions arising due to age, congenital defects, and chronic ailments like diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, and others. On the other hand, if your condition can improve naturally or through physiotherapy, our orthotic professionals then design and create a Custom Functional Orthotic device that facilitates correct tissue alignment.
In this alternative scenario, your custom orthoses consist of both soft and rigid thermoplastic/composite materials that have been cast separately and then put together Functional orthotics are thus ideal for short-term foot conditions, including Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsals, and various others.
Call Activa’s Hamilton Clinic today to get quality orthotics
Get in touch with Activa Clinic for your orthotics needs in Hamilton
To schedule your Activa Clinics orthotics consultation and fitting, simply call our Hamilton clinic or reach us via our email.
You also have the option of filling out the online contact form on our website with details of your foot/leg pain. Doing so allows us to pair you with an OPC-certified Activa orthotist who has past experience with your particular foot/leg condition.
Why choose Activa Clinics when it comes to orthotics
Choosing Activa Clinics services for your foot/leg problem avails a wide range of significant benefits: –
Custom Designed Orthotics
Activa Pedorthotists create a precise cast of your foot/leg, which is then used to create a custom orthotic insert that provides effective pain-relief by correctly aligning muscles, bones, nerves, and connective tissue in your leg or foot.
Comfortable and Durable Orthotic Inserts
Activa custom orthotic inserts utilize soft and durable thermoplastic polymers to ensure your maximum comfort.
Comprehensive Orthotics Sevice
Activa orthotists leave no stone unturned when diagnosing the basis for your foot/leg pain, which includes your medical history, reported symptom history, current mobility level, etc.
“A Certified Orthotist is ethically bound to treat and provide a patient with the orthotic devices that are appropriate for the patient to achieve independence, safety, comfort and improve function.” Orthotics Prosthetics Canada
FAQs on Custom Orthotics in Hamilton, ON
Are orthotics safe?
Yes. However, the use of orthotics not specifically designed for your foot/leg condition not only renders them ineffective but can actually make your foot/leg pain worse. This is why it’s best to use Activa custom orthotics.
How can orthotics improve posture?
Orthotics can improve your posture by alleviating any pain that you experience when standing/walking while upright. Furthermore, custom orthotic inserts help to align muscles, nerves, joints, and connective tissue, which is essential to correct posture.
What’s the difference between orthotics and prosthetics?
Orthotics are devices that you place in your shoes with the goal of alleviating foot/leg pain, while prosthetics are devices that replace missing feet or legs to avail you with an otherwise absent function.