Hand Therapy Mississauga
Few things are as important to our day to day lives as our hands.
When your hands are weak or in pain, it’s more than just a physical sensation. It can be a debilitating problem which makes it difficult or impossible to perform everyday tasks.
Thankfully, there is a chance for relief. Hand therapy techniques have been developed and honed over many years using medical science and physical therapy techniques to create comprehensive therapeutic programs which can assist almost anyone with their hand problems.
Locals in Mississauga happen to be located near one of the foremost hand therapy clinics in Canada: Activa Clinics.
So what exactly is hand therapy and how do the clever folks at Activa Clinics help the people of Mississauga get the most out of their hands? Let’s explore.

Post-operative Rehab
Joint conditions like Arthritis
Conditions related to Athletic Injuries
Jobs involving heavy lifting or repetitive motions
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)
Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper’s Knee) and conditions related to Runner’s Knee
What Is Hand Therapy, Exactly?
Hand therapists begin by consulting with a patient and reviewing their medical history. If necessary, the hand therapist may perform some additional diagnostic measures such as x-rays or nerve conduction studies.
Based on this information, the hand therapist then creates a customized plan which helps the patient reach their goals.
Whether the patient needs to strengthen their hand to recover from an injury, find a strategy for pain management and relief, or meet any other goal relating to the hand, a hand therapist can create a custom tailored strategy which takes the patients needs, limitations, and goals into

What Conditions Can Hand Therapy Help With?
Some common conditions which hand therapists deal with include:
- Osteoarthritis: A form of arthritis which occurs when the joint tissue at the end of bones wears down, osteoarthritis is extremely common in old age. A variety of hand therapy techniques can mitigate the impacts of arthritis.
- Tendonitis: Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendons, usually resulting from injury or overuse. Tendonitis can cause pain and restrict range of motion.
- Fractures: Fractures to the bones in the hand can require delicate care as they heal and regrow, as well as crafted therapies to strengthen the hand and improve its range of motion after some time for healing has passed.
- Nerve Injury: Nerve injuries can cause pain, impair sensation, and restrict motion. Hand therapies can assist with repairing and compensating for nerve damage.
- Repetitive Strain Injury: Repetitive strain injuries (RSI) often occur in the hands due to overuse. This can often be brought on by tasks like typing or using a computer mouse. RSI is an inflammation of tendons and muscles. Hand therapy can help prevent and reverse damage caused by RSI.
This is only a few of the more common conditions which hand therapists assist with. A much broader and more comprehensive spectrum of conditions and injuries can be addressed with hand therapy.
Hand therapy often takes a holistic approach which addresses more than the hands themselves. Often hand pain and limited function of the hand is symptomatic of issues with the upper body and limbs in general.
With this in mind, hand therapists will often address the wrist, forearms, shoulders, posture, and other important factors which affect the hands.
What are the Expected Results of Hand Therapy?
The results of hand therapy will vary from individual to individual.
Your therapy practices and goals will be tailored to your individual needs. Generally speaking, the primary goals of hand therapy include:
- Alleviating chronic pain
- Promoting injury recovery
- Restoring function
- Improving range of motion
- Increased strength
A hand therapist will be happy to talk with you about your specific goals and tailor your therapy program to meet those goals.
Rehabilitation of the hands can open up new possibilities. It can enable you to recover lost functions such as writing or typing. It can reignite a passion for playing sports or music which has become too painful to enjoy.
Hand therapists often work with professionals to mitigate and prevent damage before it develops into a serious or chronic condition. If you are someone who relies on their hands and often subjects them to strenuous work, it may be worth consulting a hand therapist for some advice on how to protect your most important assets!
Ready to send hand pain packing? No reason to suffer another day — call to schedule your appointment now!
We Provide a Variety of Therapies and Treatments
Activa Clinics is staffed by a large and capable team of physical therapists, pain management experts, and a variety of specialized medical professionals.
We can confidently address almost any common issue with the hands and provide customized therapy plans for every patient.
Whether you are trying to recover strength after a fracture, fighting against a chronic pain condition, facing repetitive strain injury from your job or hobby, or any condition outside or in between, it is worth taking the time to reach out to Activa Clinics for a consultation to see how we can help your hands be the best they can be.
Find Hand Therapy in Mississauga
Ready to get a check up and see what sort of therapies might assist your hands?
If you’re in the Mississauga area, you’re in luck! Schedule an appointment at our Mississauga Activity Clinics hand therapy clinic and get some advice from the best.
Not in Mississauga? No problem! Take a look at the location of other Activa Clinics across Canada.
Cost and Coverage
Our team includes physiotherapists, kinesiologists, chiropractors, and more. They have a thorough understanding of biomechanics and how to keep you moving properly. By analyzing your issues and goals, they will help you find the best solution. To learn more about our functional braces and straps, give us a call or schedule a consultation today.

Mississauga Hand Therapy FAQs
Is therapy good for restrengthening a hand?
Yes. Custom therapies are designed to strengthen the hand without exacerbating existing injuries or creating new injuries. Hand therapy can help restore strength, function, and range of motion.
Will Constraint Induced Therapy help with Contracted Hand?
Constraint induced therapy is designed to help increase use of a limb after suffering a stroke or neurological injury. Consult a qualified hand therapist to see if this type of therapy is right for you.
Can hand therapy cure carpal tunnel?
Hand therapy techniques can be effective at controlling pain and symptoms of carpal tunnel and can provide substantial relief to sufferers.